Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Prince and the Pauper

This story is another adventure-filled book by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) that takes place in London. Its title is "The Prince and the Pauper".

Here is the summary of the story:

One day, a child named Tom was born into a poor family and became a pauper. On the same day, another child, Edward, was born into a rich family and became the Prince of Wales. During Tom's childhood, he read books about princes.

Many years later, he escaped from his family and ran off. He ended up at the prince's castle only to be treated badly by the guards. However, the prince allowed him to go in. The prince guided him to his room. He then ordered Tom to stay there while he went out of the castle.

Unfortunately, Tom's biological father, John, grabbed the prince. That created a mob trying to free him from John's hold. John hit one of the men trying to free Edward with a club. He later got word that he killed the man and now his family was in danger.

John’s family ran as fast as they can away from their home. Meanwhile, Tom was getting worried about Edward but did not leave the castle. He was mistaken as the Prince of Wales and was treated a lot better than in his former ghetto home.

However, they found out that he could not speak the languages that the real prince could speak. He was later assigned to take lessons. During his lessons, he also made declarations and new laws.

Days later, King Henry VIII died, so now Tom was promoted from prince to king! He made more declarations as the King of England. During the king's River Parade, however, the real king, Edward, declared that he was going to get his throne back.

There, Edward also made a friend with Miles Hendon. He soon became Edward's protector wherever he went. They were sleeping in a house when they found out that Edward had gone missing. When he went outside, one of his servants told him that a man came by who said that Miles sent him to get the boy and bring him back to Miles, which, of course, was a lie told by the man.

The next morning, Tom woke up and Lord Hertford came to him. He was then dressed by his servants. He was then led to the throne room, where Tom was going to conduct a speech. One subject was about the former king's debts. He soon found out that being a king wasn't what he was expecting.

A boy was then sent into the throne room. He was Tom's whipping boy, Humphrey Marlow. Whenever Tom fails a test, Humphrey gets whipped. Tom thought that was unfair and declared that Humphrey should not get whipped ever again.

Tom was scheduled to dine out in public on his fourth day of being a king to see if he was ready to rule the kingdom. When he looked out the window, he saw an angry mob outside. One of Tom's pages told him that the mob was following a man that was about to be executed. He then ordered that man to be sent to the castle.

When the criminal arrived, he remembered that the man saved his friend, Giles, from drowning. That criminal had been accused for poisoning. After listening to the story, Tom declared that there wasn't enough evidence to find out if the criminal really poisoned someone.

At Tom's dinner,

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