Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Gulliver's Travels

This book that I have read is also a great adventure book. It was written by Jonathan Swift, born in Ireland in 1667.

Here is the summary:

Lemuel Gulliver's father left his son when he was a kid, but over the years Gulliver became more independent and soon he was on a ship headed for the East Indies when a powerful storm blew the Antelope (the ship) off course.

Gulliver was all alone in the sea when he spotted a beach. A crowd of tiny people there shot him with a lot of arrows at his hand, which forced him to surrender. He was then taken to the capital of Lilliput (the island). There he met with the emperor and empress of Lilliput. Many of the residents there were astounded by his size (they were only 6 inches tall). The emperor ordered a feast for Gulliver and ordered people to make a bed and a blanket for him.

Days later, Gulliver learned the Lilliputians' language and asked for freedom. He was then checked for weapons before he could leave. The emperor held a performance with rope dancers, jugglers, acrobats and more. Gulliver wanted to do an act of his own.

He gathered the Lilliputian army and ordered a mock battle. For the grand finale, he ordered the soldiers to march between his legs. The ministers wrote a document stating the terms of his freedom. After gaining his freedom, he visited the palace and took a look inside all the windows, being guided by the empress.

Two weeks later, the secretary of a secret agency asked Gulliver to destroy the Blefuscan fleet because of a conflict that soon turned into a war. The cause of the war between Lilliput and Blefuscu was the way how to break an egg, smaller side or larger side. To them, it was a serious matter.

He crossed the 800-yard sea to Blefuscu to take the enemy fleet by grabbing ropes attached to the ship. At the sight of Gulliver, dubbed "Man Mountain", they were in shock. He cut the anchor ropes holding the ships in place and carried the enemy fleet back to Lilliput.

However, Gulliver was then charged with treason for refusing to conquer Blefuscu. Afterwards, some people in the council began to plot against him. Shortly after, the empress's apartment was on fire, and during a desperate attempt to put out the fire, he sprayed water out of his mouth, putting out the fire.

However, he did not know that spitting on palace grounds was against the law. For the misdeeds he committed, they planned to put his eyes out with arrows. Gulliver later escaped to Blefuscu and rode home after that, but another storm caught the ship near Madagascar.

He ended up in a place where he was the small person and the rest were giants. That land was called Brobdingnag. He later lived with a family who had a little girl named Glumdalclitch, and she quickly became Gulliver's best friend.

The farmer then sold him to the highest bidder. The high bidder was the queen. The farmer then granted permission to Glumdalclitch to stay with Gulliver.

A dwarf who wanted to get revenge on Gulliver (for making fun of his height) gathered the biggest flies ad sent them out against Gulliver, but they were no match against his skills as a swordsman.

On another account, a swarm of wasps entered his room through the window. Four of them were killed, but the rest escaped. He soon made one of the stingers into a trophy.

The queen made a boat and a river for Gulliver to sail in. He later found a ship to take him home, but he ended up in a place called Laputa, which was floating in the sky. There was a kingdom below named Balnibarbi. A resident named Munodi led him across the kingdom, exploring every area of the kingdom. He then went back home on another ship.

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