Monday, August 24, 2009

Warrior of the Light

This is the second book by Paulo Coelho that I have read (the first one being The Alchemist about two years ago). It is called Warrior of the Light and describes the aspects of a Warrior and what he does and does not believe in.

There were many aspects of a Warrior of the Light and most people either do not have the time to gain all of those aspects or they do not think that they will be able to become a Warrior. This is why so few people are true Warriors of the Light.

Warriors of the Light respect moral values such as courage, perserverance, and responsibility. They also read and pay close attention to the teachings of various philosophers (one prominent example is Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism). They also know that every Warrior had done something immoral in the past. They put aside the dark past and look forward to the future ahead of them.

I was really amazed at the various values a Warrior of the Light possesses. I really learned a lot from this book and though I don't plan on becoming a full Warrior of the Light, I can use these tips to change my life for the better.

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