Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

I chose this book to read, and it is written by one of the most famous authors of all time. The book is titled The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. It is filled with adventure and continues from the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Like all the other books, it is filled with adventures. 5/5!

I suggest you read on if you want to know his adventure.

At a house in the southern states, Huckleberry Finn is living his daily life of waking up, eating meals, doing chores, and spelling words. However, he is tired of all this.

One day, after his dad locks him in a cabin, he breaks out and finds a pig. He cuts it and blood rushes out. He uses this blood to trick everyone that he was murdered. He teams up with a runaway slave, Jim, and hides from the search party looking for him.

They went into a cave and live there for a few days, but after the water level rises four feet, they find a raft and sail up the Mississippi River to the Free States. They met a lot of people and tricked them into believing something else.

After weeks of sailing, they dock at the town of Cairo in Illinois. He lets Jim go at this town, but he comes back once in a while. They meet a duke and a king that Huck and Jim talked about earlier. The duke and the king put on a show and collect gold coins along the way.

Huck sneaks into a ship under the name George Jackson. He meets with a boy named Buck and has even more adventures. Buck explains about the long-lasting feud between his family, the Grangerfords, and a rival family, the Shepherdsons.

They meet William, a man who is deaf and mute, but Huck didn’t know what the hand signs that William was making meant.

After many more events, Jim, the runaway slave, was now a free man. Huck finds out that his dad and aunt died. However, this story doesn’t have a bad ending, like the previous deaths suggest.

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