Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Club Penguin

There is only one website that requires a user name and password that I was satisfied with—Club Penguin.

Club Penguin is a free website where you can travel around places, play mini-games, and communicate with other penguins. There are eight major rooms plus three hidden ones. Here is a list of all the rooms in Club Penguin.

Snow Forts
Ski Village
Ice Rink
Mine Shaft
Coffee Shop
Book Room
Dance Lounge
Gift Shop
Pet Shop
Pizza Parlor
Boiler Room
Ski Lodge
Sport Shop
Lodge Attic
Ski Hill

You also get to buy pets, but they’re not like the ones in the real world. The pets are called puffles, which are almost round-shaped, and come in six different colors. Each type of puffle has its own personality, but they will run away if they are not properly treated.

The mini-games are really fun. You get coins playing every game except hockey. 

The games where you earn the most coins are Ice Fishing and Jet Pack Adventure. Other games you can play are Sled Racing, Bean Counters, Puffle Round-up, Ballistic Biscuit, Mancala, Find Four, Astro-Barrier, Thin Ice, and Cart Surfer.

You can also read newspapers, become a tour guide (if your penguin is 45 days old), or become a secret agent (if your penguin is 30 days old). You get to buy items, but most of those items are for members only. To become a member, you have to pay $72 a year. But if you want more info, go to and click Help.

There are changes to the website everywhere, so stay tuned for updates about new features. 

EDIT: The April Fools Day party is over, and the previous three pins are:

Cardboard Box (Dock)
Pot of Gold (Lodge Attic)
Shrimp (Dance Lounge)

The Easter egg hunt takes place April 5-8. Get a special gift if you find them all.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Quarter War

At Chormann Elementary School in Michigan, there is a contest between teachers and staff members called the Quarter War. The amount of money raised goes to a charity. Students put quarters in the respective milk jugs of the staff members. You can put a quarter in any milk jug that you want. The person/people with the most quarters agrees to do a wacky thing. Here are some examples:

two teachers are going to do a re-enactment of a sumo wrestling match
a teacher’s class will get to cover her with ice cream
the principal will eat a live grasshopper
the janitor will eat a dog biscuit
four different teachers will dress up like the Village People and sing the song YMCA
The person with the most quarters as of Feb. 13, 2007 is the school principal. The jugs are at the lunchroom from 11:15 AM to 12:15 PM EST.

It will continue until late March, so stay tuned for updates to see who won.

UPDATE: The four male teachers that were going to sing and dance to the YMCA won, with the male teacher dressed in a tutu and the cricket-eating principal tied for second place.